
Camper Advanced Reports

Using CampSite's Advanced Report tool, you can create custom reports on the camper and family data within your database. Reports can also be used to complete certain actions in mass, like sending a mass e-mail, generating documents/labels for multiple campers at once, posting mass transactions, and more.

To create or view an advanced report, select Advanced Reports from the Campers dropdown menu on the navigation bar.

Open a Previously Saved Report

To open a report that's already been created/saved in your database, click the Saved Reports dropdown menu ("select...").

Select the report from the menu that drops down, or type the name of the saved report to search for it. Click the name of the report to load the current results.

Creating a New Report

To create a new report, start by adding campers to your report based on their enrollment status for the given year.

  1. Add enrolled campers to your report by selecting the sessionsthey're enrolled for.
    • When a session is added to a report, all campers currently enrolled for that session will display in the report results.
  2. Add campers who are not enrolled by selecting their lead status.
    • When a status is added to a report, all campers  labeled with that status will display in the report results. 

To add a session or status, click the corresponding link and select from the pop-up window that opens. Or, manually type the name of the session/status in the relative text boxes. Both sessions and statuses can be added to a report (which will generate a report containing enrolled campers and not enrolled campers).

Tip: Adding all sessions and all statuses will generate a list of every camper in your database. 

Adding Fields of Information to a Report

By default, an Advanced Report only generates each camper's first and last name. To generate additional information about each camper, add fields to the report.

To add fields of information to your report, click "+Add a field..."

A pop-up window will open presenting all of the fields that can be added to the report.

  1. Fields are organized under different tabs, based on the type of information they represent. Select a tab to view the available fields within it.
  2. Checkmark a field to generate that data in the report.

Close out of the Fields window to return to the report. For each field you selected, additional columns will appear in the report.

Field Settings

For each field added to the report:

  1. Click and drag to re-arrange the order of the columns in the report.
  2. Double click to split multiple values onto separate rows in the report.
  3. Double-click to group the report results by the data within this field.
  4. Double click to remove the field from the report.
  5. Click a column header to sort the report by the data in that particular field (A-Z). Click again to sort Z-A.

Splitting Multiple Values

Certain fields of data could contain more than one value for a camper. For example, the "enrollment extra names field" for a camper who purchased a t-shirt, AM Extended Care, and PM Extended Care would contain all 3 of those values.

By default, fields that contain multiple values will display all of those values in the same row of the report, separated by commas.

An example of multiple values:


By activating the "splitting" function for a field that contains multiple values, the report will split those values onto separate rows in the report results.

An example of multiple values being split:

  1. To split multiple values in a field, double click the two-pronged arrow icon.
  2. Each value now displays on a separate value

Note that splitting multiple values will increase the number of results in the report as campers will now be listed once per value.

Grouping the Report Results

Group together campers with the same value for a given field by activating the grouping function for that field.

  1. Double click to activate the grouping function for a given field.
  2. View the total number of groups found in the report.
  3. See the header for each grouped value (and the number of rows within each group).
  4. See the campers within the group (i.e. that have that particular value for the grouped field).

Tip: If grouping by a field that contains multiple values, split the field first so that the report groups each value individually.

Grouping Controls

  1. "Show all groups" will show all campers within each group.
  2. "Hide all groups" will hide the campers within each group, so that only the group name / number of rows displays in the results.
  3. Check or uncheck all groups in the results (next to the header for each value). If a group is un-checked, it will not be included if you complete an action (e.g. print; export; generate labels; etc.)
  4. If printing the report, choose whether or not to insert page breaks between each group when printing.

Filtering the Report Results

Remove certain campers from the report by adding filters.

Click +Add filters... to add a filter to the report.


A pop-up window will present all filters you can apply.

  1. Fields are organized under different tabs, based on the type of data they represent. Select a tab to view the available fields within it.
  2. To select a filter, click the corresponding checkbox.

Another window will ask you to specify your filter criteria.

  1. First, select how to filter by this field.
    • Filter criteria are dependent on how the data in that field is collected. For example, age can be filtered by "is between", "is not between", "is blank", or "is not blank".
  2. Enter the filter criteria.
  3. Add the filter.

The report will results will update to include only the campers who meet your filter criteria. To narrow down the results even further, add additional filters as needed.

Report Tools

  1. Info: Rename or delete the report. Note: you must have "admin" level permission to the saved report to make changes to it.
  2. Save: Save the report.
  3. Save as: Save a copy of the report under a different name.
  4. Permissions: Manage which permission level each admin user has for the report.
    • Read = The user can view the report, but cannot edit or delete it
    • Admin = The user can view/edit/delete the report
    • Learn more about managing report permissions here.
  5. Subscribe: Subscribe to a report and CampSite will generate the email on a regular basis and email the user with a summary of the new report results.
  6. Advanced Report Management: Manage report permissions in mass; manage report categories; and delete reports.

Mass Actions

Complete an action towards all campers in the report using the action buttons.

Tip: If the report is grouped by a certain field, and a group has been un-checked, that group will not be included if you complete an action.

  1. Refresh the report results.
  2. Print the report.
  3. Send a mass e-mail to all of the parents and/or campers in the report.
  4. Schedule a mass e-mail to send automatically at a date + time of your choosing. Note: The report must be saved before an e-mail can be scheduled.
  5. Send a text message to the parents of every camper in the report.  
  6. Export the report results as a spreadsheet.
  7. Share this report via e-mail with other CampSite admin users.
  8. Generate documents for every camper in the report.
  9. Generate labels for every camper in the report.
  10. Post the same note on the profile of every camper in the report.
  11. View a Family Map of every camper in the report (i.e. their home address).
  12. Download the profile photos of every camper in the report.
  13. Mass edit data for every camper in the report.
  14. Post a mass transaction for all campers or families in the report.
  15. Identify the Missing Forms for every camper in the report (i.e. which forms each camper still needs to submit).
  16. Generate a PDF copy the financial statement for every family in the results.
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