
Enrollment Requests

Each time the enrollment form is submitted, an enrollment request is created.

Manage all enrollment requests (new, approved, waitlisted, rejected, or incomplete) via the Enrollment Requests page.

Your camp's enrollment processing mode determines how campers become enrolled once they submit an enrollment request.

  • If your camp is using manual enrollment processing mode, an admin user must manually process each request that a camper submits. All new requests waiting to be processed will populate in the "New" queue of the enrollment requests page.
  • If your camp is using automatic enrollment processing mode, CampSite will automatically process each request as the enrollment form is submitted.
  • Manage your enrollment form processing mode via Admin>Campers>Setup Wizard>Step 8>General Options.

To access the Enrollment Requests page, click the Enrollment Requests link within the Campers menu of the navigation bar.

Enrollment Request Filters

Filter which New, Approved, and Rejected enrollment requests display below.

  • Note that filters do not apply to the Waistlist or Incomplete tab, as these tabs have their own filter/sorting options. 

Grade/Age; Gender; Payment Method

Filter requests for campers of a specific grade/age range, gender, and those who selected to pay with a particular payment method.

  1. Checkmark the box for the desired filter
  2. Select/input the necessary criteria

To filter by Age, select the checkbox for the Grade filter, then select 'Age' from the dropdown menu. Note that when filtering by 'Age', an 'as of' date is required.

Enrollment Option/Session name

Type a keyword or the full name to filter requests for specific enrollment options or sessions.

After clicking update results, the New, Approved, and Rejected tabs will refresh to display only those requests that match the filters selected.

Managing Requests

Requests are stored in tabs based on their current status. Each enrollment request can have the following statuses:

New Requests

"New" enrollment requests are requests that have not yet been processed. Admin users must manually process each new request.

For each new request, view:

  1. The camper's biographical details and when the request was submitted
  2. A link to the registration contract for this request
  3. The enrollment options and payment method selected
  4. Action buttons to enroll, waitlist, or reject this request

Enrolling a New Request

Approving a camper's enrollment request is a 2-step process: first, click the Enroll button on the far right. Next, complete the Enrollment Wizard. In the Enrollment Wizard, you'll confirm the details of the camper's enrollment, process payment, and send a confirmation email to the camper's parents.

For details on how to complete the Enrollment Wizard and enroll a camper, click here.

Waitlisting a New Request

If you have waitlisting enabled, CampSite will automatically waitlist all requests for any enrollment option(s) that are already at capacity - regardless of whether you're using manual or automatic enrollment processing mode.

To manage the waitlist settings for your enrollment form, go to Step 8: Enrollment Form Setup, open General Options, and toggle the setting for preventing parents from submitting enrollment requests for sessions that have no spots remaining.

To manually waitlist a "new" request, read below.

To waitlist a new request, click the Waitlist button on the right.

  1. Checkmark which enrollment option(s) to waitlist
  2. Click Waitlist selected options

The waitlisted enrollment options will move out of the "New" requests queue and into the "Waitlisted" tab to await further processing.

  • Parents are not notified when you "waitlist" a new request (unless you contact them manually).
  • Any option(s) you do not select to waitlist will remain in the "New" queue.

Rejecting a New Request

  • Note that when rejecting a request, you're rejecting enrollment into specific enrollment options, not the camper overall. A camper can be rejected from certain enrollment options, but approved or waitlisted for other options.

To reject a new request, click the Reject button. 

  1. Checkmark which enrollment options to reject
  2. Click Reject selected options

The rejected enrollment options will then move out of the "New" queue and onto the "Rejected" tab of the Enrollment Requests page.

  • Parents are not notified when you "reject" a new request (unless you contact them manually).
  • Any option(s) you do not select to reject will remain in the "New" queue for processing.

Approved Requests

The "Approved" tab contains a list of all enrollment requests that have been approved.

Note: When a camper unenrolls from an enrollment option, it does not change that they once had a request approved, so the camper's original request will still remain in the "Approved" requests tab. That said, the "Approved" tab does not necessarily reflect your current enrollment.

If you need to identify the campers who are currently enrolled/what they're enrolled for, generate an advanced report instead.

Each approved request includes:

  1. Basic information about the camper/request
  2. A link to download the registration contract for the request
  3. Who approved the request and when

Waitlisted Requests

View each enrollment option that campers have been waitlisted for, and approve or reject them as needed.

By default, campers are organized chronologically with the earliest enrollment request at the top of the table, but admins may manually rearrange campers as needed.

  1. Filter the waitlist for a specific session
  2. Send a mass email to everyone included in the results
  3. Click and drag to re-arrange the order in which camper's appear on the waitlist
  4. View the details of the camper's request
  5. Click to enroll or reject the request*
    • If you click enroll, you'll be redirected to CampSite's enrollment wizard for processing the camper's enrollment.

*Note that CampSite will not automatically enroll a waitlisted camper (e.g. if space becomes available). An admin user must enroll or reject waitlisted requests manually.

Rejected Requests

"Rejected" enrollment requests have been denied, so that the camper was not enrolled for the requested enrollment option(s).

  • Note that rejecting is not permanent - all rejected requests can be enrolled or waitlisted later.

For each rejected request:

  1. View basic information about the request
  2. Open the registration contract for the request
  3. View who rejected the request and when
  4. Click to enroll or waitlist the rejected request

Incomplete Requests

"Incomplete" enrollment requests are requests that a camper started but never finished. This tab will display each individual enrollment option separately, similar to the Waitlist tab.

  • More specifically, campers who appear in this tab have selected these options on the 'Enrollment Options' page of their enrollment form and saved the page, but never finished submitting the form after that.
  • Note that the incomplete requests presented here are the same as those shown in the 'Pipeline Overview' for each of your Enrollment Options.
  1. Filter incomplete requests for a specific session
  2. Send a mass email to everyone included in the results
  3. Delete an incomplete request

Requests are displayed in chronological order, per their 'started' timestamp (with the earliest at the bottom of the list). Note that "started" refers to the date + time when the camper submitted the 'Enrollment Options' page of their enrollment form with this option selected.

Deleting an Incomplete Request

Deleting an incomplete request will deselect that particular enrollment option from the camper's enrollment form. For example, you may want to delete the request if you've reached out to the family and confirmed that they don't plan to complete the enrollment process for that option.

When an incomplete request for an enrollment option is deleted:

  • The Pipeline Overview for that enrollment option will no longer include the camper in the 'Incomplete' list.
  • The option will not be listed in the 'enrollment option + bundle name (including not checked out)' merge field for the camper, either.
  • The camper can select it again if they want to, and/or an admin can still enroll the camper for that option if they so choose.
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