The Camper Past Due report generates families who have past due amounts on generated invoices for their payment schedule(s).
- A payment schedule invoice is considered "past-due" if the invoice was generated, and was not marked as paid before the invoice due date.
- Balances that are not on a payment schedule, as well as invoices where the due date has not yet passed, are not considered past-due and will not be generated onto this report.
- To report on families with a positive balance on their account (regardless of their invoice status), use the Family Summary report instead.
From the Camper Past Due report results, admins may also resend past-due invoices (in mass), and/or download a copy of all past-due invoices.
First, navigate to the Financial Dashboard by clicking the Financial link in the top navigation bar.
Next, go "Camper reports" and select "Camper Accrual Summary (by Accrual Period)."
Report Filters
If needed, filter which families are generated based on their campers' enrolled sessions, which payment schedules they're on, and the amount they have past-due.
- Select an enrollment year
- Filter families based on which session(s) their camper is attending
- Filter families by payment schedule
- Filter families by the amount of their past-due invoice(s). Leave blank to search all amounts
- Click Run Report to generate your results
Each family identified by your report filters will display as a separate row in your results.
- Double click to print the report results
- Double click to export results as a spreadsheet
- Double click to resend the past-due invoices to all families in your results
- Double click to download a PDF copy of all past-due invoices in the results
- Click to include/exclude a family when emailing or generating all invoices
- View the family's current payment schedule balance
- View the family's past due balance per how many days past due it is
For example, the results above indicate that the Paulson's have a $100 balance past-due by 91+ days. - View a list of each past-due invoice (including the due date and amount)
- View the grand total of all invoices that are past-due
- View the family's overall balance for the entire year
- View the grand total of all past-due invoice amounts, for all families
- View the grand total of all family balances for the year
Resend Invoices
Send a mass email to all families with an attached copy of their past-due invoices.
Double click the envelope icon to draft/send your email
- To exclude certain families from being emailed, deselect their checkbox on the far left before beginning the email process.
After double clicking the email icon, you'll be asked to specify the recipients and email content. CampSite will automatically attach a PDF copy of the relevant invoice(s) to each family's email.
- Select which parents to email the invoices to
- Customize the subject line of the email
- Customize the body of the email message
- Customize the footer that displays at the bottom of the invoice PDF
- Click to send the email
View the sent email on the family's profile. To view a copy of the invoice that they received, click the subject line to open the email contents, and then click the attachment link.