
Camper Transaction Summary

The Camper transaction summary reports on the total amount of charges, discounts, payments, credits, refunds, and reversals per transaction category, to calculate your overall net revenue.

  • This report cannot be used for identifying the total amount of a certain transaction - e.g. just the total payments - because reversals are not included in each individual column.
  • If you need the total of a certain transaction types, generate the Transaction Log filtered for those types instead.

First, navigate to the Financial Dashboard by clicking the Financial link in the top navigation bar.

Next, go "Camper reports" and select "Camper transaction summary."


  1. Select an enrollment year
  2. Filter transactions by the month they were created in CampSite
    • For example, if 2020 is selected as the year, and the month of January is checkmarked, the report will generate any transactions created during the month of January of any year, that are applying towards the 2020 enrollment year.
  3. Filter transactions by a specific timeframe when they were created
    • Leave the date range blank to report on all transactions from the selected enrollment year/months
  4. Click Run Report to generate your results

Note: If you filter by month or date range, the report results will only include 'Reversals' that occurred during the timeframe selected. 

For example, if a charge was created in January and then reversed in March, and you only select January in your report filters, your results will not reflect the reversal, since the transaction was not reversed during the timeframe that you're filtering for.

Totals by Category

Each row of the report results will present the transaction totals per transaction category. See the column headers for each transaction type.

The "total" listed on the far right represents the net total of all transactions for that particular category.

A positive net total represents how much your camp still needs to be paid.

A negative net total indicates that your camp received too much payment (because the total amount of payments you've collected is higher than the amount that you've charged families to pay).

For example, in the screenshot above, the After School category has a net total of $1635, because $1645 in charges have been posted but only $10 in payments have been collected. The camp still needs to collect $1635 in payments for the current charges that have been posted for the After School category.

The School Break category, on the other hand, shows a total of $0.00, to indicate that all charges have been paid for this category. This is calculated by taking the $2400 total charges and subtracting the $50 in discounts, for an adjusted total charges of $2350. With $2350 in received payments, all charges have thus been paid.

Totals by Transaction Type

Each column of the report results will present the transaction totals of that particular type of transaction. Refer to each row for the total per transaction category.

When viewing the net totals at the bottom, please be aware that the net total does not account for reversals. ALL reversals are accounted for in the 'Reversals' column only.

That said, this report is not designed for identifying the total amount of certain transaction types. If you need that information, use the Transaction Log instead.

Net Total

See the bottom right cell of the report for the net total of all transactions.

For example, in the screenshot above, the grand total of all transactions summed together equals a net of $70,192.28. 

A positive net represents how much your camp still needs to be paid.

A negative net indicates that your camp received too much payment (because the total amount of payments you've collected is higher than the amount that you've charged families to pay).

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