Use the Route Creation Wizard to add defined stops to the bus route.
- Enter the address for each stop in the order the bus should complete them.
- Preview the route via a Google Maps plugin and change/reorder stops as needed before saving the route.
Enter each address or cross streets of all the defined stop you wish to add the route.
Automatic vs. Manual Stop Times
You have a choice between automating the time for each stop, or entering each stop time manually.
Automatic: CampSite will automatically determine the time the bus will stop at each defined stop via Google Maps, based on the "arrival time" set for the bus and the distance between stops. To enable automatic stop times, do not checkmark the box for "Manually provide times for stops."
- With this option, you can also add "extra time between stops". After Google Maps determines when the bus will arrive at each stop, CampSite will add the amount of "extra time" that you specify to determine the stop time.
Manual: Enter the stop time manually for each defined stop you add to the route. To enable manual stop times, checkmark the box for "Manually provide times for stops."
The "last stop" for arrivals, or "first stop" for departures will be set automatically to camp's location. Enter the first or last stop of the route, and click +Add bus stop... to set the waypoints in the middle of the route.
You may set any number of minutes to provide extra time between stopes, or manually provide the pickup or drop-off times.
Enter stop addresses
- Enter the stop address
- Name: Parents will be presented the stop name when choosing a stop on the transportation form.
- Address / intersection: Enter a specific street address (e.g. 100 Main Street) or an intersection (e.g. Main Street and 3rd Avenue).
- Click "+ add bus stop" to display another address row. Continue adding as many stops as needed.
Note that the first and last stops will be prefilled with the origin and arrival addresses configured for the bus. To change these, go back to the bus page and click "Manage bus settings." Click here to learn more.
Preview route
Preview the route on Google Maps before finalizing it.
The red pin represents the start of the route and the orange house represents the final destination.
Stops along the route display as green pins labeled in alphabetical order of the route.
Zoom in/out and move the map around as needed. You can also rearrang the stops above and preview the route again as needed.
Create route
When all defined stops have been added in the desired order, click to Create route.
After creating the route, you'll be redirected back to the bus page where you can manage the bus settings and visualize the route via Google Maps. To learn more about managing a defined stop bus, click here.