
Custom Colors Overview

"Custom colors" allow you to organize campers by labeling them with a custom color (on a yearly basis). This feature is useful when you need to group campers that share a certain attribute - like how they answered a certain question; if a 3rd party pays their camp fees; etc.

Reference a camper's custom color on bunking boards, enrollment requests, profile pages, and advanced reports.

  • All campers can be labeled with any custom color, whether or not they're enrolled for the year.
  • Custom colors are for admin only and are not displayed on the parent dashboard.

Changing a Camper's Custom Color

Change an individual camper's custom color via the Yearly Info tab of their profile page.

Or, change custom colors in mass by editing the "Custom color" field that you've added to an advanced report. Click here to learn more.

Roll Over Custom Colors to the Next Year

When completing Step 1 of the rollover wizard to open a new year in your database, the "Custom colors" section allows you to choose whether or not to copy the same custom color assignments for each camper to the new year.

  • If you deselect the option to roll over custom colors, every camper's custom color for the new year will be empty (a.k.a. white).
  • You can still edit a camper's custom color for the new year via their profile page, or in mass via advanced reports.

Custom Colors on Bunking Boards

In your Bunking Boards admin settings, toggle whether the background color of each camper's bunking tile reflects their gender or their custom color.

Custom Colors on the Enrollment Requests page

Use the "Border" dropdown to toggle whether the border color on each camper's enrollment request reflects their gender or their custom color.

Custom Colors in Advanced Reports

Custom Color Field

To add custom colors to an advanced report, click to add a field, select the Enrollment tab, select the General Enrollment Info tab, then select "Custom color."

Custom colors are displayed by their hex code with the cell background reflecting the actual color.

  • The hex code is displayed in the inverse color to make it easier to read.
  • Campers with no custom color technically have a custom color of white, aka #fffffff.

Custom Color Filter

To filter which campers appear in a report based on their custom color, click to add a filter, select the Enrollment tab, select the General Enrollment Info tab, then select "Custom color."

Click the color picker:

Select a preset color or type in a hex code:

Group Results by Custom Color

Double click the grouping button for the Custom color field to group campers by custom color.

Custom colors will be listed in alphanumeric order by their hex code:

Remember that campers with no custom color will show a hex code of #ffffff.

Mass Edit Custom Colors

  1. Add the Custom color field to the report
  2. Click the Edit button in the report toolbar
  3. Select the Custom color field and enable editing

In the report results, each camper's custom color will now display as a color picker. Click a color picker to choose a preset color or enter a custom hex code. Click the 'Save changes' button just above the report when you're finished.

To apply the same custom color to all the campers in the report, after you've enabled editing, click the "Set all rows to the same value" button above the report, checkmark the Custom color field and choose the color to apply to all campers. Click 'Set all rows' and then click the 'Save changes' button just above the report when you're finished.

For a detailed guide on how to mass edit custom colors via a report (with screenshots), click here.

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