Assign transportation to campers in mass by editing an advanced report.
For camps with our Staff module, you can mass assign transportation to staff following the same steps below from the Staff Advanced Reports page.
1. Add the relevant campers to the report
When selecting sessions, remember that the buses/vehicles available to each session depends on how your Session Groups are set up.
2. Add fields for the transportation data you wish to edit
- Select the Transportation tab
- Select the relevant Year tab underneath
- Select the Session Group Info tab
- Select the relevant session group from the dropdown
From there, select the relevant field(s) for arriving to vs. departing from camp.
Tip: Add additional fields you might need to reference when choosing how to assign a camper's transportation, like their bus name or primary address.
3. Enable editing
Once you've added the relevant fields you wish to edit, click the Edit button above the report results to enable editing.
If you're unfamiliar with how to mass edit a report, please click here to read our support article on mass editing.