From the Staff Dashboard settings, you can add custom text to the dashboard; enable/manage the 'Summer Info' page of the dashboard, and enable the mobile friendly Staff Dashboard layout.
To access your Staff Dashboard settings, navigate to Admin > Staff > Staff Dashboard.
Page Headers
Customize the text that appears:
- On the homepage of the Staff Dashboard
- At the top of the Forms page of the Staff Dashboard
Summer Info Page
Choose whether to enable an additional page on your Staff Dashboard, called 'Summer Info.'
If enabled, control which information displays on that page, and add custom text/content.
1. Set Show 'Summer Info' page to 'Yes' to display this additional page on your Staff Dashboard
2. Select whether to display the 'Summer Info' page to hired staff only.
If no, those applying/applied but not hired will see this page as well.
3. Select whether to allow staff to download their contract (if generated)
4. Select whether to show hired staff their assigned position, department, and title
5. Select whether to show hired staff which sessions they've been hired for
6. Add custom text/content, including links and linked documents, to the top of the Summer Info page